Queen of the Mountain: Mary Taylor 

About Mary.


Lives in: Oakland, CA

Rides: Juliana Roubion 2022

Pedals: Flats

Wears: Baggy shorts that are tight on my thunder thighs!

Eats on the trail: Sandwich! (some say it's a meal - I say it's a SNACK!)

Listens to: Anything LCD Soundsystem!

(Mountain Girl Bike Spotify playlist here)

Fav piece gear or clothing: My gloves that have unicorns on them!

Never would I recommend eating/bringing: Gels -- just why?! THEY ARE NOT FOOD!

Pre-ride ritual: Rushing out the door without my multi-tool

Post-ride ritual: Nachos and a beer with friends!

I never forget: snacks

But unfortunately, I often forget: knee pads

Dream biking location: Croatia!

Favorite local trails: 
Scott's Flat in Nevada City, CA - fun downhill trial with a lake swim at the bottom. Pairs best with a hot summer day!

My most memorable ride:
My most memorable ride was descending from Twin Lakes near Leadville, CO down towards Clear Creek on the way to Buena Vista. I was riding with my two friends Shannon and Mackenzie. A storm was rolling in so the sky was moody, but the light was so beautiful over the massive mountains in every direction. We rode fast and fun for a long time -- an amazing reward after lots of uphill!

Tell us about your first ride!
My first mountain bike ride was at Winter Park Bike Park. I was with a few friends that were all experienced riders, and I had never been on a mountain bike before. The bike I rented was way too big for me (but I didn't know) and it was honestly a really stressful day. I don't remember having fun. But about a year later I bought a $200 singlespeed mountain bike on ebay and it changed my life. I found other women interested in mountain biking and they are some of my best friends to this day!


What's something you accomplished or are proud of while biking last year?
2023 wasn't a big riding year for me. I broke my collarbone in 5 pieces mountain biking in Fort Collins, CO with friends in September 2022 and had surgery that October. Most of 2023 went to rehabing and simply getting back on the bike. I am proud of mountain biking again after such a long and painful recovery process.


What's something you want to accomplish this year on the bike?
I want to go on a few bikepacking trips and find more joy mountain biking again!


What's a piece of advice that changed something about your riding? 
Ride from home. Simply getting in more miles and hours in the saddle will make you a fitter and better rider. I think back to the best rides I have ever had -- and they were during years when I really embraced riding out the front door and not getting in the car. Also, don't be afraid to pause your ride to session something -- it's helps a lot! Even if it slows your ride down, it will open your world of accomplishing skills. Lastly, if it is accessible to you, find a clinic. I did a 2-day women's clinic in Sedona. It was an amazing experience with other riders of the same abilities. We could learn together!


What advice would you give new women riders?
Ride with women. Set a judgement free tone. Be open to riding with others that are different abilities and don't get too serious -- mountain biking is supposed to be fun!


What advice would you ask from more experienced rides?
What are your favorite riding snacks?! :)